Valvo Raag
Valvo Raag (9. juuni 1936 Kuressaare – 17. august 2011 Lincoln, Massachusetts, USA[1]) oli eesti päritolu USA füüsik.[2]
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Valvo Raag lahkus Eestist koos ema, isa ja kahe vennaga 1944. aastal[3].
Raag lõpetas 1958. aastal füüsikuna Browni Ülikooli USA-s Rhode Islandi osariigis Providence'is ning täiendas end 1958–1959 Helsingi Ülikoolis. 1964. aastal sai ta magistrikraadi füüsikas New Yorgi Ülikoolis. 1959–1969 töötas ta New Jersey osariigis Radio Corporation of Americas (1959–1962 keemia- ja füüsikalaboris, 1962–1969 termoelektriliste toodete arenduses), 1969. aastast Resalab Scientificus (Menlo Park, California)[2] ning hiljem Jet Propulsion Laboratoryga seotud väikeses uurimisfirmas Syncal.[4]
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Valvo Raagi peamine uurimisvaldkond oli termoelekter.[2] Tema töötulemusi on kasutatud kosmosetehnikas[4].
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]2003. aastal tagastas Raag Kuressaare raamatukokku sealt 1944. aastal laenatud raamatu[3].
Pensionipõlves elas ta koos abikaasa Kaijaga Massachusettsi osariigis Lincolnis[5]. Nende tütar Tarja Raag on arengu- ja soopsühholoogiale spetsialiseerunud psühholoogiateadlane, USA-s Maine'i osariigis Waterville'is tegutseva Colby College'i psühholoogiadotsent [6].
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- "Distribution of Cathode Sublimation Deposits in a Receiving Tube as Determined by X-Ray Spectrometric Scanning" // Advances in Electron Tube Techniques (1963) 2
- "Thermoelectric Properties of Niobium in the Temperature Range 300°–1200° K" // J. Appl. Phys. 2045 (1965) 36
- "Design and Performance Analysis of Panel-Type Solar Thermoelectric Generators" // Energy Conversion 169 (1968) 8
- "The Performance Characteristics of Silicon-Germanium Alloys in Thermoelectric Applications" Resalab Scientific (undated monograph)
- F. de Winter (ed. & coauthor), V. Raag, N. S. Elsner, L. H. Rovner, G. Stapfer: "Accelerated Testing for Sublimation and Chemical Compatibility on a 4-Couple SiGe Module: Test No 1 - Module
with 80 a/o Si 20 a/o Ge, Dynaquartz Insulation" JPL Eng. Memo 342-148 (Rept. 900-488), August 13, 1971
- V. Raag and W. D. Leonard: "Mathematical Model and Computer Program for the Design and Analysis of Silicon-Germanium Air-Vac RTGs" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 14 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, September 7, 1971
- W. D. Leonard and V. Raag: "Performance of the MHW RTG in the Temperature Range 900 to 1000 C and Lower Bounds on Gains Obtainable From The Use of Radiation Fins," Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 12 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, June 22, 1971
- V. Raag "Performance Characteristics of a Silicon-Cermanium RTG in Long-Term Operation" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 1 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, April 29, 1969
- V. Raag "Relationship of Changes in the Heat Input to the Power Output of a Thermoelectric Device" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 2 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, July 30, 1969
- V. Raag "Performance and Weight Dependence of a Silicon-Germanium RTG on Fuel Capsule Temperature and Heat Flux" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 3 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808,
July 2, 1969
- V. Raag "Optimization of Thermoelectric Generators for Fixed Temperature and Fixed Heat Input Operation" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 4 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, July 30, 1969
- V. Raag "Performance Characteristics of Typical Silicon-Germanium RTGs in Air Operation" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 5 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, October 22, 1969
- V. Raag "Thermoelectric Properties of 80 a/o Si - 20 a/o Ge Alloy as a Function of Time and Temperature" Resalab Scientific Memorandum # 6 Prepared for JPL on Contract 952808, March 3, 1970
- V. Raag "The Time and Temperature Dependence of the Thermoelectric Properties of SiGe Alloys" Proc. 1975 IECEC, p 723
- V. Raag "The Time and Temperature Behavior ofthe Thermoelectric Behaviof of78 a/o Si - 22 a/o Ge Alloy" Proc. 1976 IECEC, pp 1527-1532
- V. Raag "The Use of Silicon-Germanium Alloys in Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators" Proc. 1976 IECEC, pp 1586-1590
- V. Raag "Thermoelectric Properties of 80 a/o Si - 20 a/o Ge Alloy" Proc. 1974 IECEC, pp 156-159 (JPL-Sponsored R&D results)
- V. Raag "Dopant Precipitation in SiGe Alloys" Proc. l972 IECEC, pp 168-173 (JPL-Sponsored R&D results)
- V. Raag Research and Development ofa Silicon-Germanium Alloy" RCA Final Report on Contract NAS 5-3410, December 1963.
- V. Raag "Design and Performance Analysis of Silicon-Germanium RTGs" Proc. 1969 IECEC, pp 395-402 (JPL-Sponsored R&D results).
- V. Raag "The Calculated Long-Term Performance Characteristics of a Typical Silicon-Germanium RTG" Proc. 1970 IECEC, pp l5-8 to 15-10 (JPL-Sponsored R&D results)
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- ↑ Valvo Raag järelehüüe,
- ↑ 2,0 2,1 2,2 "Eesti teaduse biograafiline leksikon", 3. köide
- ↑ 3,0 3,1 Väliseestlane tagastab 59 aasta eest laenatud raamatu[alaline kõdulink] Delfi/BNS BNS 25. märts 2003
- ↑ 4,0 4,1 Francis de Winter, Gerhard Stapfer, Enrique Medina "The Design of a Nuclear Power Supply With a 50 Year Life Expectancy: The JPL Voyager's SiGe MHW RTG"[alaline kõdulink] lk 4, 6
- ↑ Profiles in Giving: Valvo Raag Tufts
- ↑ Tarja Raag Colby College
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- Eesti teaduse biograafiline leksikon. 3. köide: N–Sap TTEÜ, avaldatud elektrooniliselt 2013
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- "Väliseestlane tagastab 59 aasta eest laenatud raamatu" Delfi/BNS BNS 25. märts 2003
- Profiles in Giving: Valvo Raag Tufts
- Valvo Raag, (nekroloog)