Mirjam Mencej
Mirjam Mencej (sündinud 1964 Ljubljanas) on sloveenia folklorist, usundiliste juttude ja mütoloogia uurija. Tema uurimishuvide hulka kuulub rahvausund, nõidus, maagia, surm ja üleloomulikud kogemused, aga ka üleloomulikud olendid. Mirjam Mencej on Ljubljana Ülikooli etnoloogia ja kultuuriantropoloogia osakonna folkloristika professor. Ta on Rahvusvahelise Rahvajutu-uurimise Seltsi, Usundiliste juttude Võrgustiku (BNN) president. Mirjam Mencej kuulub ajakirja Cosmos, The journal of The Traditional Cosmology Society kolleegiumisse ja sarja Sator rahvusvahelisse kolleegiumisse.
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Mencej on teinud välitöid mitmetes Sloveenia piirkondades.
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Monograafiad
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- 2017 Styrian Witches in European Perspective. Ethnographic Fieldwork. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer.
- 2013 Sem vso noč lutal v krogu. Simbolika krožnega gibanja v evropski tradicijski kulturi (I was wandering in circles the whole night long. The symbolism of circular movement in European traditional culture). Ljubljana: ZRC SAZU. With an English summary on pp. 223-232. available online: [1]
- 2010 Pripovedi s Kozjanskega in Obsotelja (Narratives from Kozjansko and Obsotelje regions). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.
- 2007 Po poteh zgodb (On the paths of tales). Podsreda: Kozjanski park.
- 2006 Coprnice so me nosile. Raziskava vaškega čarovništva na podeželju vzhodne Slovenije ob prelomu tisočletja (Witches led me astray: Witchcraft in the rural environment of eastern Slovenia at the turn of the Millennium). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts.
- 2001 Gospodar volkov v slovanski mitologiji (The Master of the Wolves in Slavic Folklore). Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. (With an English summary.)
- 1997 Voda v predstavah starih Slovanov o posmrtnem življenju in šegah ob smrti (The Meaning of Water in Old Slavic Notions of Life after Death and in Slavic Funeral customs). Ljubljana: Slovenian ethnological Society.
Toimetatud raamatud
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- 2008 Space and Time in Europe: East and West, Past and Present. Zupaničeva knjižnica, no. 25. Ljubljana: Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, Filozofska fakulteta (Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana).
- 2010 (koos Dan Podjed'iga) Ustvarjanje prostorov (The Making of Spaces). Pontes academici. Ljubljana: Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani (Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana)
Artiklid inglise, prantsuse või saksa keeles
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- 2018 "Magic and counter-magic in the 21th-century Bosnia". In: Cultures of Witchcraft in Europe: Middle Ages to the Present. Jonathan Berry, Owen Davies and Cornelie Usborne (eds.). London: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer, pp. 249-268.
- 2017 "How and Why to Talk about Witchcraft? Discourses on Witchcraft and Uses of Bewitchment Narratives in 21st Century Rural Eastern Slovenia". Temenos, 53 (1): 143-179. [2]
- 2016 "Discourses on witchcraft and uses of witchcraft discourse", Fabula 57 (3-4): 248-262.
- 2015 "Unwitching. The Social and Magical Practice in Traditional European Communities". Western Folklore 74.2 (Spring 2015): 115-159.
- 2015 "Security Guards as Participants in and Mediators of Ghost Tradition". Fabula 56 (1/2), 2015: 40-66.
- 2015 "Origins of Witchcraft Accusations". Studia Mythologica Slavica 18/2015: 111-130.
- 2014 "The Symbolism of the Directions of Circular Movement". In: Za etnologijata: bezbroj pragovi sme preminale. (Collection of articles dedicated to 40 years of scientific and research work of Professor Aneta Svetieva). Ljupčo S. Risteski, Ana Aštalkovska Gajtanoska, eds. Skopje: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Faculty of Mathematics, University St. Cyril and Methodius, Macedonia. Pp. 199-222.
- 2014 "Belief in stories about witches in contemporary Slovenia". In: 15th Congress of The International Society for Folk Narrative Research (June 21-27, 2009 Athens). PLEMMENOS, Ioannis ed.), TSICHRITZIS, Georgia (ur.). Narratives across space and time : transmissions and adaptations :proceedings of the 15th Congress of The International Society for Folk Narrative Research (June 21-27, 2009 Athens), (Publications of the Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, 31). Athens: Hellenic Folklore Research Centre, Academy of Athens, 2014, vol. 2. Pp. 489-507.
- 2012 "Envie et sorcellerie dans la Slovénie rurale". Ethnologie française 42, vol. 2: 313-23.
- 2011 "The Role of Gender in Accusations of Witchcraft: the Case of Eastern Slovenia". Český lid 98, issue 4, 393-412.
- 2011 Connecting Threads, Folklore. EJF (Tartu, Online) 48: 55-84. http://www.folklore.ee/folklore/vol48/mencej.pdf
- 2011 "Witches in the shape of lights and fires". In: SEDAKOVA, I. A., CIV ́JAN, Tatjana Vladimirovna, MAKARCEV, M. M. (eds.). Balkanskii spektr : ot sveta k cvetu : mednarodna konferenca, Moskva, 22.-24. mar. 2011, (Balkanskie čtenija, 11). Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN: Centr lingvokul'turnyh issledovanii "BALCANICA", 2011, 34-39.
- 2009 "Spinning taboos in Europe". In: Socijalni i duhovni aspekti na materijalnata kultura (Social and spiritual aspects of material culture). Svetieva, Aneta, ed. Skopye: Prirodno-matematički fakultet, Institut za etnologija i antropologija, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, 2009, 135-58.
- 2009 "Wolf holidays among Southern Slavs in the Balkans". – Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 54, 2009, 337-58.
- 2009 "Witches, magic and fairies in Macedonia and Slovenia". In: Šmitek, Zmago, Svetieva, Aneta (eds.). Macedonian lifeworlds: from mythic landscape to the state. Saarbrücken: VDM, 2009, 43-79.
- 2009 "Konceptualizacija prostora v pripovedih o nadnaravnem poteku časa" (Conceptualization of space in narratives about supernatural lapse of time), Studia mythologica Slavica 12, 2009, pp. 187-206.
- 2009 "Narrating about witches". In: Brednich, Rolf Wilhelm (ed.). Erzählkultur : Beiträge zur kulturwissenschaftlichen Erzählforschung : Hans-Jörg Uther zum 65. Geburtstag. Berlin; New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2009, 207-22.
- 2009 (koos Kehnel, Annette'iga). "Representing eternity: circular movement in the cloister, round dancing, winding-staircases and dancing angels". In: Müller, Anne, Stöber, Karen (eds).
Self-representation of medieval religious communities: the British isles in context (Vita regularis, 40). Münster: LIT, 2009, 67-97.
- 2009 "Spinning through the time". In: Sedakova, Irina A., Civ ́jan, Tat ́jana V., Makarcev, M. M.., Sidneva, S. A. (eds.). Perehody. Peremeny. Prevrašenija : tezisy i materialy, (Balkanskie čtenija, 10). Moscow: Institut slavjanovedenija RAN: Centr lingvokul'turnyh issledovanii "BALCANICA", 2009, 136-40.
- 2008 "The night is yours, the day is mine! Functions of stories of night-time encounters with witches in eastern Slovenia", Estudos de literatura oral 13/14, (2007/2008): 189-206.
- 2009 "Walking in circles". In: Mirjam Mencej (ed.). Space and Time in Europe: East and West, Past and Present. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts, 35-65.
- 2008 "Witchcraft in eastern Slovenia and western Macedonia: a comparative analysis". In: Šmitek, Zmago, Svetieva, Aneta (eds.) Post-Yugoslav lifeworlds: results of the Slovenian/Macedonian ethnological and anthropological research project 2000-2002 (Zupaničeva knjižnica, no. 15/I). 2nd ed. Ljubljana: Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, Filozofska fakulteta: Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts, 2008, 37-67.
- 2008 "Witchcraft in Eastern Slovenia". In: Pócs Éva, Klaniczay Gábor (eds.). Witchcraft mythologies and persecutions (Demons, spirits, witches, vol. 3). Budapest, New York: Central European University Press. Pp. 295 - 314.
- 2007 "Night witches in rural eastern Slovenia in the context of Slavic and European parallels". Ethnologia slovaca et slavica 32, 2007: 45 - 58.
- 2007 "The christian and pre-christian conception of the Master of the wolves". EthnoAnthropoZoom http://www.iea.pmf.ukim.edu.mk/EAZ/EAZ_05/EAZ_2004_PDF/Mencej_Mirjam_Eng.pdf .
- 2007 "The Slavic Summer/Winter Opposition in the Pastoral Year and the Christian and Pre-Christian Figures Identifiable as the Master of the Wolves", Cosmos : 79 - 111.
- 2006 "Soldat und Tod" (AT 1082a), Enzyklopädie des Märchens : Handwörterbuch zur historischen und vergleichenden Erzählforschung . Berlin; New York: W. de Gruyter, 1977 - <2004>, bd. 12, 860 - 62.
- 2006 "The role of legend in constructing annual cycle". Folklore (Tartu, Online) 32: 99 - 128. http://www.folklore.ee/folklore/vol32/mirjam.pdf
- 2005 "Witchcraft in Eastern Slovenia and Western Macedonia – a comparative analysis". In: Zmago Šmitek, Aneta Svetieva, eds. Post - Yugoslav Lifestyles Between Tradition and Modernity. Ljubljana: Faculty of Arts. Pp. 37 - 67.
- 2004 "Water and death in Slavic folk beliefs and customs". In: Fifor, Mihai (ed.). Symposia : Journal for studies in ethnology and anthropology . Craiova: Aius: Center for Studies in Folklife and Traditional Culture of Dolj County, 2004, pp. 183 - 97.
- 2002 "Legends, Incantations, Beliefs and Customs related to the Master of the Wolves", Slavica Gandensia 29, Gent, 65 - 82.
- 2002 "Master of the wolves in the Slavic folklore". In: Baskar, Bojan, Weber, Irena (eds.). MESS. Vol. 4, Mediterranean Ethnological Summer School, Piran, Pirano, Slovenia 1999 and 2000, (Zbirka Županičeva knjižnica, št. 7). Ljubljana: Filozofska fak ulteta, Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo, 2002. Pp. 219 - 44.
- 1998 "Das Wasser als Grenze zum Jenseits in Slowenischen Volksliteratur", Studia Mythologica Slavica 1, 1998: 205 - 24.