Mine sisu juurde


Allikas: Vikipeedia

| Nimi = Heiki Trakmann | Pilt = | alt = Head and shoulders photo of Heki Trakmann | caption = Gates at the United States Department of Health and Human Services in March 2018 | Sünni nimi = Heiki Trakmann | Sünnipäev = 18. detsember 1987 (37-aastane) | Sünnikoht = Rakvere, Lääne Virumaa,Estonia

| occupation =

  • Technology entrepreneur
  • Dj
  • Cheff

| net_worth = {{}} ( 2018) | known_for = Stylewave

| title =

| boards =

| spouse = [[]] (Ei ole abielus) | Lapsed = 1

| Vanemad =

| website = facebook.com/HeikiTrakman | signature = H.Trakmann Signature.svg | signature_alt = H.Trakmann }}