Kasutaja:Märt Põder
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Olin filosoofiaõppejõud kohalikus kunstikolledžis ja lasin tudengitel koostada hindelise tööna filosoofia/kunstiteooria valdkonnaga haakuvaid artikleid:
Telegram küsis mult Vikipeedia kohta hulga küsimusi ja kirjutasin vastuste jaoks baasteksti:
My history with e-voting
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Presentations abroad
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- Should e-voting experience of Estonia be copied? (37C3 2023, Hamburg, video, findings, slides)
- Can e-voting break Estonian democracy? (Zukunftsforum Dresden 2024)
- Is electronic voting posing a "wicked problem”? (E-Vote-ID 2023, Luxembourg, text, slides)
- Ballots & Bits: Interventions into E-Voting (Piratenpartei Zürich 2023, video, slides)
- Schrödingers Stimmzettel: eVoting in Estland (Evotecon 2020, Mannheim)
- Debrief on e-voting in Estonia (36C3 2019, Leipzig, slides)
At parliament and ministries
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- Freedom of information and digital rights activist Märt Põder said that since he has lost trust in e-voting, he does not consider it possible to participate in voting with paper ballots and gave an overview of his 2023 election observer's report (Plenary session on "matter of significant national importance" under title "E-voting -- a threat to democracy" 2024, video, verbatim)
- Implementation of the guidelines of the Supreme Court to ensure the transparency of e-elections and to exclude the possibility of corruption. Märt Põder, member of the board of the NGO Fair Elections (Anti-Corruption Select Committee 2024, video, protocol)
- Election observers petitioning the pariament with five proposals for observability of e-voting (Fair Elections Estonia 2023-2024, process timeline, at plenary)
- Ministerial working group to fix problems of e-voting (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, 2019, summary, full report in Estonian, debrief project + 36C3 presentation)
In independent reports
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- "An activist from the Estonian Pirate Party took credit for casting the spoiled ballot. The technique employed involved using a GNU debugger to locate the breakpoint in Linux IVCA where the candidate number is stored and replace it with an invalid candidate number." -- Log Analysis of Estonian Internet Voting 2013–2015
- "A group of election observers led by Märt Põder, issued a joint statement and petition demanding i-voting to be made observable, proposing five specific legal and procedural changes in order to achieve that. In particular, the proposal is to: (1) provide legal means for observers to file complaints based on their observations; (2) make it possible to observe the voting processes from their first step to the last; (3) each IT-related i-voting activity must be made legally contestable; (4) the dispute period for i-voting must be extended; and (5) all i-voting related materials and documentation must be made available to observers for familiarization early in the process." -- Cyber Security Newsletter 2023-10-12 (i-voting / RK2023)
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- https://twitter.com/trtram
- https://matrix.to/#/@tramm:matrix.org
- https://www.facebook.com/boamaod
- https://www.instagram.com/boamaod/
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/boamaod
- https://github.com/boamaod
- tramm@infoaed.ee / p6drad-teel.net / isoc.ee
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- https://gafgaf.infoaed.ee/ (blogi)
- http://boamaod.github.io/ (vana blogi)
- http://www.ut.ee/~p6der/ (90s state of art ülikooli koduleht)
Õige pööre: konverdime Riigikogu vikiks!
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]Kandideerisin 2019. aasta Riigikogu valimistel roheliste nimekirjas piraadipartei infoühiskonna programmiga, mis moodustas roheliste programmi viimase peatüki. Lubadus kandideerimisel oli lasta end valituks osutumisel kiibistada, kolisin valimiste tippajal eksperimentaalselt kaheks kuuks Narva, käisin tuuridel ja debattidel Jõhvis, Kohtla-Järvel, Sillamäel, sain krantsina Tartu tänavalt Ida-Virumaal 44 häält.
- Vaba ja avatud infoühiskond (infoühiskonna valimisprogramm)
- Miks lasen end Riigikokku saades kiibistada? (kandidatuuri seletuskiri)