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Kasutaja:Junos112/Test/Basic Element

Allikas: Vikipeedia

põhiartikli olemasolu ja sealse info kontrollimiseks vaata lehte Basic Element (ansambel). Tähelepanu kasutaja:Junos112

Estopedist1 (arutelu) 11. august 2019, kell 10:26 (EEST)

Basic Element on rootsi eurodance bänd 1990'ndate keskpaigast, 2005 tegi bänd comeback'i ja annab siiani välja ka uut materjali.

Bänd alustas oma tegevust Rootsi linnas Malmö. Algkoosseisu kuulusid — Peter Thelenius (Petrus), Cesar Zamini ning lauljatar Zetma Prenbo, kelle asemel tuli hiljem Saunet Sparell.

Bändi ajaloost

[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]

Bändi ajalugu sai alguse 1992 kui Peter Thelenius koos oma sõbra Ceasar Zamani'ga otsustasid luua bändi.

1993: Peale mitut tagasi lükatud demot, võttis bändiga ühendust Magnus Nygren (EMI Records'ist). Samal aastal andis bänd uue nime Basic Element all välja oma esimese singli Move Me. Singel ei leidnud raadiotes suurt kajastamist, kuid leidist tunnustust DJ'de poolt üle maa, mille tõttu sai singel väga kõrge reitingu Rootsi Tantsumuusika edetabelis.

1994: Bänd andisvälja oma teise singli The Promise Man ja see oli juba tõeline pommuudis. Singel läks kohe peaaegu kõigis skandinaavia tantsumuusika edetabelites number üheks. Järgnevad singlid Touch ja Leave it behind tõusid samuti hiti staatusesse, seega nende edu oli juba fakt. Debüütalbum Basic injection müüdi ainuüksi rootsis 35000 koopiat.

1995: The expectation increased on the group and the 2:nd album: “The Ultimate ride” didn’t leave anyone disappointed. The same year Zelma Prembo, the singer in the group, got pregnant and decided to quit the band and was replaced by Saunet Sparell. With singles like “The Ride”, “Queen of love”, “The Fiddle” and “This must be dream” the group establish itself as one of the biggest Dance acts in Sweden.

1996: Peter & Cesar decided to go separate ways, and Peter decided to keep the name “Basic Element” but tried to do something different with it. He was tired of the sudden giant wave of “stragglers”, so…disco!!? EMI believed that the decision Peter Thelenius & the producer Stefan Andersson made was the kiss of death for the group.

Their first single “Shame” from their coming album “Star tracks” turned out to be the opposite from the record company’s theory - sraight up at top-ten in Japan, Benelux, Spain, Germany, Italy. At this time the group had taken the next step and established oneself as an international act. With a global tour and 3 “dance” albums behind them the group decides to take a break.

1997: Peter released a solo album under the name “Petrus”. Once again the “hit machine” was started and reached the top ten with the cover of Roxette´s “Listen to your heart”. This unusual direction was nothing that scared Peter. To quote the hit maker him self “Everything has it’s time, and right now it feels good to do this”, he said, stubborn as usual. Basic Element did only one appearance this year, but it was an appearance in front of 85.000 people in Tallinn as a warm-up act for Michael Jacksson.

1998: Peter felt that it was time to release a new album with Basic Element. Saunet had been offered a “solo deal” and after a consideration she rejected. The singer Marie Fredriksson became after an audition the new lead singer in the band. This time Peter and the producer decided to go back to the roots and they made a straight club-record.

At the beginning Peter didn’t believed that this odd and little unusual sound would led to any success, but…. Once again the band got international success and a new tour in Japan was arranged. One of the appearance was in front of 50.000 people at the legendary “football” arena Tokyo Dome.

1999: After a whole year of travelling Peter and Marie decides to take a break and work harder with the song writing. Basic Element has sold more than 1.000 000 albums across the world and has had 18 top ten hits in Scandinavia. Peter Thelenius has during the latest year delivered hits to She bang, Charlotte Perrelli, Annika Ljungberg, D-Flex, Maarja among others.

In 2005 Peter took part in the Swedish audition for EuroVision Song Contest as a front figure in the band B-boys international with the song “One Step Closer”.

2005: Basic Element started to make their new album and the first single was a reproduced version of “This must be a dream”, which was one of the “longest” hits during 1995. Behind the production was The Uppsalaboys “One Track”.

2006: New single is released in March. Raise The Gain climbs the charts and just a few months later the second single – I’ll Never Let You Know- was released to be a hugh hit especially in Finland…

2007: Now the 3rd single -To you- is hiting the charts, and the new album “THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK finaly is released!Marie also quit the band to make way for the new leadvocalist “Andrea Myrander”, and the story goes on…