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Arutelu:Viimne linn

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

The second novel, The Last City, creates an apocalyptic vision of the fall of the last Christian stronghold — Acre — to Moslems in 1291. It is a chronicle of doom and despair, narrated by Roger Blondel de Tressalin, an old Knight Hospitaler. The narrator traces out his life starting with his childhood in Athens, followed by an escape to the island of Cyprus. Almost accidentally (or by divine design?) he joins the Knights Templars in Acre. After years of honest service the Templars cast him out (due to a treacherous false accusation). He becomes a Knight Hospitaler, dedicated to the care of the sick and wounded. The last three chapters of his story is a highly dramatic description of the bitter final battles and destruction of Acre. He writes the story as a very old man, known by others as Roger the Simpleminded. -- nii kirjutas Jyri Kork Ohpuu 2. veebruar 2007, kell 08:39 (UTC)