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Arutelu:Luca della Robbia

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

Ta tuleb vist järjestada D alla. Andres 15. jaanuar 2012, kell 09:33 (EET)[vasta]

("Robbia (suguvõsa) Luca", Rummu Jüri, Tamme Jaan, naabri Mari jne) "Luca" eesnimi, della eessõna; nii et "Robbia" alla
del (ms) (della=di+la; la= artikkel)
di (d') — prep. of, belonging to; on, about; in, at; by; from, native to; due to, caused by (Grammar)
del (di+il) (ms) prep. of the; of, belonging to; on, about; in, at; by; from, coming from, native to; due to, caused by (Grammar) --Toivo 15. jaanuar 2012, kell 11:18 (EET)[vasta]

Aga miks itaalased selle d-tähe alla panevad? (ma ise muide paneks ka oma aruga r-i juurde) -- Ahsoous 15. jaanuar 2012, kell 17:37 (EET)[vasta]

pisi|preposizioni articolate, 800×439px

Pilt kah, alumise jutu juurde --Toivo 15. jaanuar 2012, kell 19:58 (EET)[vasta]
"Della Robbia" (=di+la robbia; of la robbia), "Robbia"de perekond, dünastia ("email-terakotta kuningad"), ja "della" oli-on-jääb selleks mis ta eespool kirjeldatult on, st, di+la=della
Inglased panevad ka d-tähega - (Della Robbia)...
Skulptorite loendis "R" all, samuti ESP Wiki

samas, inglise keeles on nt ka "the Forsytes" - "Forsaidid" jne
... ITA Wiki ütleb, et nimi tuleneb — Il nome deriva da una tintura robbia cioè rosso, ... Rubia tinctorum on mingi punaka värvusega taimne olevus
PC-s on Robbia'te kohta kolm kirjet:
• Della Robbia- Andrea
Florentine sculptor who was the nephew of Luca Della Robbia and assumed control of the family workshop after his uncle's death in 1482.
• Della Robbia- Giovanni
Florentine sculptor, son of Andrea Della Robbia and grandnephew of Luca Della Robbia who, upon the death of his father in 1525, assumed control of the family workshop.
• Della Robbia- Luca
sculptor, one of the pioneers of Florentine Renaissance style, who was the founder of a family studio primarily associated with the production of works in enameled terra-cotta.

--Toivo 15. jaanuar 2012, kell 19:32 (EET)[vasta]

Sirvisin võrdluseks EST ja ESP ITA kunstnike loendeid (vt Itaalia (maali)kunstnike loend (hispaania keeles))... ;-( --Toivo 16. jaanuar 2012, kell 12:28 (EET)[vasta]