[muuda lähteteksti]- Põhjamaade rahvapaat = sv:Folkbåt = sv:Nordisk Folkbåt = fi:Pohjoismainen kansanvene = en:Nordic Folkboat = Folkboat = Folkboot jne...
- Rahvusvaheline rahvapaat = sv:Internationell Folkbåt = sv:IF-båt = en:International Folkboat = en:IF-boat
- NFIA - Nordic Folkboat International Association
- History of Folboat @ UK FBA
- The International Folkboat - information for cruising sailors
- A Marieholm International Folkboat Page
- International Folkboats Around the World
- History about the IF-Boat - Om IF-båten, Lite IF-historia @ Svenska IF-båtförbundet
- Dieter Loibner, The Folkboat story: from cult to classic-- the renaissance of a legend @ Google Books