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Arutelu:Eesti Teises maailmasõjas

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

Kas siia peaks ka sarnaselt artiklile Eesti ajalugu tegema artiklite nimistu, mis on seotud Eestiga Teises maailmasõjas? --kanakukk 5. juuli 2008, kell 19:05 (UTC)

Välisriikide artikleid

[muuda lähteteksti]
  • HITLER ORDERS MOBILISATION IN ESTHONIA: NEW YORK, Tuesday: "In view of the oncoming Russian threat, Germany has proclaimed the mobilisation of all Esthonian males, born from 1902 to 1922, according to the Stockholm correspondent of the "New York Times." This step follows Himmler`s failure , to obtain voluntary enlistments. Retaliating to the Esthonian refusal to join the Wehrmacht, Himmler ordered storm troopers to confiscate property and burn the Esthonian University public libraries. The correspondent points out that compulsory mobilisation of the tiny Esthonian army, numbering at most 100,000, illustrates Germany's dire need of soldiers owing to heavy losses on the east front., The Canberra Times, Wednesday 3 November 1943 lk.1--Jaanusele 24. november 2009, kell 00:10 (UTC)

40 on Rooma numbritega XL, mitte XXXX. 50 on Rooma numbritega L, mitte XXXXX. Kuriuss (arutelu) 21. veebruar 2020, kell 15:43 (EET) Kuriuss (arutelu) 21. veebruar 2020, kell 15:43 (EET)[vasta]