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Allikas: Vikipeedia

Andres !

  • Mul polnud see daakinii lugu valmis veel! Sa tegid loo lihtsalt ymber kirjutades möned möisted sisse.Pole mötet seda illusiooni luua headest ja halbadest daakiinidest,sellepärast panin selle surnuloo kohe algusesse,sina töstsid ta loo löppu ymber ja alustasid kiidulaulu ilusatele toredatele naistel taevast ,kelle hulgas juhtub ka möni koledus olema.Mida sa neid idealiseerid? Ja miks ei vöi Padmasambhava naiste kohta öelda "pruudid"? Need 2 olid tema naised kellega ta kokku elas,kui mitte pruudid ,siis naised ,emmed ,armukesed,milleks töde varjata, vöi völtsida?Ma ei möista miks see tekst peab olema nii hall ja emotsioonitu,Ei mingeid seisukohti ega arvamusi.See on ka absurd.Meie maailm koosnebki ainult arvamustest ,kui budismist lähtuda, ja mis see veel tähendab?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Astraalkujul on daakinii taevane saadik, kaitsevaim, bodhisattva, kes toob häid ande, Mis asi see astraalkuju budismis on?--VanemTao 19. detsember 2006, kell 01:57 (UTC)
Ma pole neid parandusi teinud, millest Sa räägid. Andres 19. detsember 2006, kell 10:06 (UTC)
Linnart Mäll (Nulli ja lõpmatuse kohal ISBN 9985821955 - Budistlik mütoloogia lk 202) väidab samuti, et daakini on raevukas nais(j)idam. Rahumeelne on bhagavati.--Boy 19. detsember 2006, kell 02:12 (UTC)


Kas on mötet lisada juurde et ,,, "Daakinii naissugu" sümboliseerib tühjuses peituvat potentsiaali Panin juba algselt artiklit kirjutades sisse sellise möiste nagu Daka mis tähistab nende olevuste puhul "meessugu" kas peab siis veel eraldi toonitama sugu sest Daakinii ongi naissoost,Ja sa vöiksid ka nii mulle kui lugejale seletada mis asi see tyhjuses peituv potentsiaal on?Saaksin minagi siis sellele uuele arusaamale pihta ,--VanemTao 19. detsember 2006, kell 10:03 (UTC)

Ma ei ole neid parandusi teinud, millest Sa räägid. Andres 19. detsember 2006, kell 10:06 (UTC)

Paistab et parandused on teinud põhiliselt anonüümne kasutaja Arvan, et ta tegutses heas usus. Andres 19. detsember 2006, kell 11:37 (UTC)


Tänan kuid mul ei ole usku vaja , kyll aga -teadmist ,mis erineb kvalitatiivselt sellest esimesest möistest.Siis syydistasin vaest Avjoskat asjatult lausa piinlik moment tekib .--VanemTao 19. detsember 2006, kell 11:48 (UTC)

"Dakini" has a variety of uses and meanings:

  • Generic Sanskrit name for a type/group of female deities who appear in both Hindu and Buddhist myths, iconography and scriptures; usually 'sky-clad' - i.e. naked.
  • semi-divine beings in popular Indian folklore, often seen as malignant spirits, demonesses or witch-like hags
  • in Vajrayana, it is a designation for the wrathful and semi-wrathful female deities among the yidam. Although most of the translated literature uses the Sanskrit term, the Tibetan khadroma (khandro) is much more woman-positive, indicating these deities/women as "females who move on the highest level of reality". Their nudity is said to symbolize the diamond-like clarity of truth unveiled. In the Bardo Thödol, a dakini is defined as the "feminine energy principle, associated with knowledge and intelligence, which may be either destructive or creative".
  • dakini is used as an honorary title for an enlightened woman, a living incarnation of a goddess

Other definitions:

  • one of a group of powerful female beings, possessed by the power of flight, who mediate between the worlds of the buddhas, the demonic, and the human in Tantric ritual and meditative practice
  • a woman embodying enlightened wisdom.
  • (Skt.): Literally, 'sky-dancer'. The cosmic feminine energy principle associated with knowledge, wisdom and creativity.
  • spiritual beings who fulfill the enlightened activities; female tantric deities who protect and serve the Buddhist doctrine and practitioners.
  • a kind of female imp or fiend attendant upon Kali and feeding on human flesh; the Dakinis are also called Asra-pas ('blood drinkers').
  • a female being of generally volatile temperament, who acts as a muse for spiritual practice. Dakinis can be likened to elves, angels, or other such supernatural beings, and are symbolically representative of testing one's awareness and adherence to Buddhist tantric sadhana.
  • one of the three roots of Vajrayana practice: the guru is the root of blessings, the yidam is the root of accomplishments, and the dakini is the root of activities.
  • timeless, inorganic, immortal, non-human beings; the behavior of dakini has always been revelatory and mysterious; they respond to the state of spiritual energy within individuals. Manifestations of dakini in human form occur because they can assume any form. In Vajrayana practises, a dakini is considered a supernatural being who tests a practitioner's abilities and commitments.

So what?? U can copy and paste hier as much u are able to find in (www) - but most written information about the subject in (www) and specially in english Wikipedia does,nt convince me ,So no need to 24/7 jobb from youre side .Or maybe it was u who messed up my unfinished story ,In future let say so -u,ll discuss the subject first and then we can changes the story when there is really need to do so, Ok.Regardes --VanemTao 19. detsember 2006, kell 12:54 (UTC)

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