Arutelu:Albaania vapp
Siin on "official emblem". Ma ei tea, kas see on riigivapp või midagi sellest erinevat. Andres 05:30, 20 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Siin on Albaania konstitutsioon inglise keeles. Artikkel 14, lõige 3 ütleb: "The seal of the Republic of Albania presents a red shield with a black, two-headed eagle in the center. At the top of the shield, in gold color, is the helmet of Skanderbeg." Andres 05:36, 20 Jan 2004 (UTC)
Motto: FERT
The Motto is believed an acronym of
- "Foedere Et Religione Tenemur" (We will be kept together by the [constitutional] pact and by religion)
but others suggest:
- "Fortitudo Eius Rhodum Tenuit" (His [Our Lord's] strength preserved Rhodes) or
- "Fides Est Regni Tutela" (Faith is the protection of the kingdom)
- the proposed origin from "Foemina Erit Ruina Tua" (Woman will be your ruin) is obviously only a satire.
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- In Albaania vapp on 2012-11-16 09:57:03, 404 Not Found
- In Albaania vapp on 2013-05-25 13:47:30, 404 Not Found
- In Albaania vapp on 2013-06-23 23:48:45, 404 Not Found