Approaches to Semiotics
"Approaches to Semiotics" on raamatusari, mida aastail 1969–1997 andis välja kirjastus Mouton de Gruyter.
Sarja toimetaja oli Thomas Sebeok. Kaastoimetajad olid Alain Rey ja Roland Posner. ISSN 0066-5576.
Pärast selle sarja lõpetamist on sama kirjastus jätkanud semiootikaraamatute väljaandmist uute sarjadega "Approaches to Applied Semiotics" ja "Semiotics, Communication and Cognition".
Sarja köited
[muuda | muuda lähteteksti]- kd. 1: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Ramsay, Alexandra (eds.) 1969. "Approaches to Animal Communication". The Hague: Mouton.
- kd. 2: Shands, Harley C. 1970. "Semiotic Approaches to Psychiatry".
- kd. 3: Todorov, Tzvetan. "Grammaire du Décaméron".
- kd. 4: Kristeva, Julia; Rey-Debove, Josette; Umiker, Donna (eds.) 1971. "Essays in Semiotics. Essais de sémiotique".
- kd. 5: Bogatyrev, Peter 1971. "The Functions of Folk Costume in Moravian Slovakia."
- kd. 6: Kristeva, Julia 1979. "Le Texte du Roman: Approche sémiologique d'une structure discursive transformationnelle."
- kd. 7: ei ilmunud
- kd. 8: Watson, O. Michael 1970. "Proxemic Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study".
- kd. 9: Efron, David 1972. "Gesture, Race and Culture: A Tentative Study of Some of the Spatio-Temporal and ‘‘Linguistic’’ Aspects of the Gestural Behavior of Eastern Jews and Southern Italians in New York City, Living under Similar as Well as Different Environmental Conditions". (Originaal ilmunud 1941.)
- kd. 10: Köngäs Maranda, Elli; Maranda, Pierre 1971. "Structural Models in Folklore and Transformational Essays". The Hague: Mouton & Co.
- kd. 11: Schapiro, Meyer 1973. Words and Pictures: On the Literal and the Symbolic in the Illustration of a Text. (Raamat sisaldab 7. novembril 1969 toimunud sümpoosioni 'Language, Symbol, Reality’ materjale; sümpoosioni toimumispaik oli St. Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana.)
- kd. 12: Shands, Harley C. 1971. "The War with Words".
- kd. 13: Rey-Debove, Josette 1971. "Étude linguistique et sémiotique des dictionnaires français contemporains."
- kd. 14: Mallery, Garrick 1972. "Sign language among North American Indians, compared with that among other peoples and deaf-mutes". The Hague: Mouton.
- kd. 15: Chabrol, Claude 1971. "Le récit féminin".
- kd. 16: Morris Charles 1971. "Writings on the General Theory of Signs".
- kd. 17: Rastier, François 1972. "Idéologie et théories des signes".
- kd. 18: Rey-Debove, Josette (ed.) 1973. "Recherches sur les systèmes signifiants: Symposium de Varsovie 1968".
- kd. 19: Kleinpaul, Rudolf 1972. "Sprache ohne Worte: Idee einer allgemeinen Wissenschaft der Sprache (Leipzig 1888)".
- kd. 20: Nauta, Doede 1972. "The Meaning of Information".
- kd. 21: Stokoe, William C. 1972. "Semiotics and Human Sign Languages".
- kd. 22: Lanigan, Richard L. 1972. "Speaking and Semiology: Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenological Theory of Existential Communication". (Raamatu teine trükk ilmus aastal 1991.)
- kd. 23: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker, Donna Jean (eds.) 1976. "Speech surrogates: A reader." (2 köidet. Kd. 1. Drum and whistle systems.)
- kd. 24: Irigaray, Luce 1973. "Le langage des déments". The Hague: Mouton.
- kd. 25: Ruesch, Juergen 1972. "Semiotic Approaches to Human Relations".
- kd. 26: Metz, Christian 1974. "Language and Cinema".
- kd. 27: Roberts, Don D. 1973. "The Existential Graphs of Charles S. Peirce".
- kd. 28: Bettetini, Gianfranco 1973. "The Language and Technique of the Film".
- kd. 29: Chatman, Seymour; Eco, Umberto; Klinkenberg, Jean M. (eds.) 1979 . "A Semiotic Landscape. Panorama sémiotique".
- kd. 30: Ogibenin, Boris Leonidovich 1975. "Structure d'un Mythe Védique: le mythe cosmogonique dans le Rgveda". (Orig.: Struktura mifologicheskikh tekstov: Rigvedy.)
- kd. 31: Saitz, Robert L.; Cervenka, Edward J. 1972. "Handbook of Gestures".
- kd. 32: Collins, Orvis F.; Collins, June M. 1973. "Interaction and Social Structure". The Hague: Mouton & Co.
- kd. 33: Shands, Harley C. 1977. "Speech as Instruction".
- kd. 34: Grivel, Charles 1973. "Production de l'intérêt romanesques".
- kd. 35: Segre, Cesare 1973. "Semiotics and Literary Criticism".
- kd. 36: Ostwald, Peter F. 1973. "The semiotics of human sound".
- kd. 37: Hendricks, William O. 1974. "Essays on Semiolinguistics and Verbal Art".
- kd. 38: Sherzer, Dina 1976. "Structure de la trilogie de Beckett: Molloy, Malone meurt, L'Innommable."
- kd. 39: Bellman, Beryl Larry 1975. "Village of curers and assassins: on the production of Fala Kpelle cosmological categories". Hague, Paris: Mouton.
- kd. 40: Ben-Amos, Dan; Goldstein, Kenneth S. 1975. "Folklore: Performance and Communication". The Hague: Mouton & Co.
- kd. 41: Kendon, Adam; Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1981. "Nonverbal Communication, Interaction, and Gesture."
- kd. 42: Maranda, Pierre (ed.) 1974. "Soviet Structural Folkloristics: Texts by Meletinsky, Nekludov, Novik, and Segal with Tests of the Approach by Jilek and Jilek-Aall, Reid, and Layton". Vol. 1.
- kd. 43: Blanchard, Marc E. 1980. "Description, Sign, Self, Desire: Critical Theory in the Wake of Semiotics".
- kd. 44: Hewes, Gordon Winant (ed.) 1975. "Language origins: a bibliography". (2d rev. and enl. ed.) 2 köidet.
- kd. 45: Rollin, Bernard E. 1976. "Natural and conventional meaning: an examination of the distinction".
- kd. 46: Doroszewski, Witold 1973. "Elements of Lexicology and Semiotics".
- kd. 47: League, Richard 1977. "Psycholinguistic Matrices".
- kd. 48: Maclean, Robert M. 1979. "Narcissus and the Voyeur three books and two films". The Hague: Mouton.
- kd. 49: Preziosi, Donald 1979. "Architecture, Language, and Meaning".
- kd. 50: Cohen, Enya; Namir, Lila; Schlesinger, Izchak M. 1977. A New Dictionary of Sign Language: Employing the Eshkol-Wachmann Movement Notation System.
- kd. 51: Tarasti, Eero 1979. Myth and Music: A semiotic approach to the aesthetics of myth in music, especially that of Wagner, Sibelius and Stravinsky.
- kd. 52: Liddell, Scott K. 1980. American Sign Language Syntax.
- kd. 53: Portis Winner, Irene; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1979. Semiotics of Culture. The Hague: Mouton.
- kd. 54: Kang, Wi Jo 1976. G. H. Mead's Concept of Rationality: A Study of Use of Symbols and Other Implements.
- kd. 55: Carroll, John M. 1980. Toward a Structural Psychology of Cinema.
- kd. 56: Black, Matthew; Smalley, William Allen (eds.). On language, culture and religion.
- kd. 57: Nida, Eugene A. 1979. A Componential Analysis of Meaning.
- kd. 58: Kowzan, Tadeusz 1975. Litterature et spectacle. (Orig. 1970.)
- kd. 59: Buechler, Hans C. 1980. The Masked Media.
- kd. 60: Hoek, Leo H. 1981. La marque du titre.
- kd. 61: Krysinski, Wladimir 1981. Carrefours de signes : essais sur le roman moderne.
- kd. 62: Kanyó, Zoltán 1981. Sprichwörter — Analyse einer einfachen Form.
- kd. 63: Preziosi, Donald 1983. Minoan architectural design: formation and signification. Berlin, New York: Mouton.
- kd. 64: Eco, Umberto; Ivanov, V. V.; Rector, Monica 1984. Carnival!
- kd. 65: Kahn, Joan Y. 1983. Modes of Medical Instruction.
- kd. 66: Branigan, Edward 1984. Point of View in the Cinema: A Theory of Narration and Subjectivity in Classical Film. (Foreword by David Bordwell.)
- kd. 67: Pelc, Jerzy; Sebeok, Thomas A.; Stankiewicz, Edward; Winner, Thomas G. (eds.) 1984. Sign, System and Function.
- kd. 68: Borbé, Tasso (ed.) 1984. Semiotics Unfolding: Proceedings of the Second Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Vienna, July 1979. (3 köidet.)
- kd. 69: Minai, Asghar Talaye 1984. Architecture as Environmental Communication.
- kd. 70: Merrell, Floyd 1985. A Semiotic Theory of Texts.
- kd. 71: Rancour-Laferriere, Daniel 1985. Signs of the Flesh: An Essay on the Evolution of Hominid Sexuality.
- kd. 72: Staiano, Kathryn V. 1986. Interpreting Signs of Illness.
- kd. 73. Sebeok, Thomas A. (ed.). Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics. (3 köidet.)
- kd. 74: Wavell, Bruce B. 1986. Language and Reason.
- kd. 75: Maletic, Vera 1987. Body - Space - Expression.
- kd. 76: Umiker-Sebeok, Jean; Sebeok, Thomas A. (eds.) 1987. Monastic Sign Languages.
- kd. 77: Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (ed.) 1987. Marketing and Semiotics.
- kd. 78: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1987. The Semiotic Web 1986.
- kd. 79: Finlay, Marike 1988. The Romantic Irony of Semiotics.
- kd. 80: Strozier, Robert M. 1988. Saussure, Derrida, and the Metaphysics of Subjectivity.
- kd. 81: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1988. The Semiotic Web 1987.
- kd. 82: Pinto, Julio C. M. 1989. The Reading of Time.
- kd. 83: Scoditti, Giancarlo M. 1989. Kitawa.
- kd. 84: Lee, Benjamin; Urban, Greg (eds.) 1989. Semiotics, Self, and Society.
- kd. 85: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1989. The Semiotic Web 1988.
- kd. 86: Rauch, Irmengard; Carr, Gerald F. (eds.) 1989. The Semiotic Bridge: Trends from California.
- kd. 87: Scott, William T. 1990. The Possibility of Communication.
- kd. 88: Chevalier, Jacques M. 1990. Semiotics, Romanticism and the Scriptures.
- kd. 89: Ponzio, Augusto 1990. Man as a Sign.
- kd. 90: Jules-Rosette, Bennetta 1990. Terminal Signs: Computers and Social Change in Africa.
- kd. 91: Jonnes, Denis 1990. The Matrix of Narrative.
- kd. 92: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1990. The Semiotic Web 1989.
- kd. 93: Golden, Joanne M. 1990. The Narrative Symbol in Childhood Literature.
- kd. 94: Kevelson, Roberta 1990. Peirce, paradox, praxis: the image, the conflict, and the law. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- kd. 95: Flynn, Pierce J. 1991. The Ethnomethodological Movement.
- kd. 96: Riggins, Stephen H. (ed.) 1990. Beyond Goffman.
- kd. 97: Anderson, Myrdene; Merrell, Floyd (eds.) 1991. On Semiotic Modeling.
- kd. 98: Litowitz, Bonnie E.; Epstein, Phillip S. (eds.) 1991. Semiotic Perspectives on Clinical Theory and Practice.
- kd. 99: Garza-Cuarón, Beatriz 1991. Connotation and Meaning.
- kd. 100: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1991. Recent Developments in Theory and History: The Semiotic Web 1990.
- kd. 101: Nysenholc, Adolphe (ed.) 1991. Charlie Chaplin.
- kd. 102: Singer, Milton B. 1991. Semiotics of Cities, Selves, and Cultures.
- kd. 103: Spinks, Charles W. 1991. Peirce and Triadomania: A Walk in the Semiotic Wilderness.
- kd. 104: Lagópoulos, Aléxandros P.; Boklund-Lagopoulou, Karin 1992. Meaning and Geography.
- kd. 105: Makolkin, Anna 1992. Name, Hero, Icon.
- kd. 106: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1992. Biosemiotics: The Semiotic Web 1991.
- kd. 107: Deledalle, Gérard; Balat, Michel; Deledalle-Rhodes, Janice (eds.) 1992. Signs of Humanity / L'homme et ses signes.
- kd. 108: Nardocchio, Elaine F. (ed.) 1992. Reader response to literature: the empirical dimension. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- kd. 109: Reis, Carlos 1993. Towards a Semiotics of Ideology.
- kd. 110: Holbrook, Morris B.; Hirschman, Elizabeth C. 1993. The Semiotics of Consumption: interpreting symbolic consumer behavior in popular culture and works of art.
- kd. 111: Ahonen, Pertti (ed.) 1993. Tracing the Semiotic Boundaries of Politics. Berlin, New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
- kd. 112: Schonauer, Klaus 1993. Semiotic Foundations of Drug Therapy.
- kd. 113: Kauppi, Niilo 1994. The Making of an Avant-Garde: Tel Quel.
- kd. 114: Eriksen, Roy T. 1994. Contexts of Pre-Novel Narrative: The European Tradition.
- kd. 115: Riggins, Stephen Harold (ed.) 1994. Socialness of things: essays on the sociosemiotics of objects.
- kd. 116: Nöth, Winfried 1994. Origins of Semiosis: Sign Evolution in Nature and Culture.
- kd. 117: Daddesio, Thomas C. 1995. On Minds and Symbols: The Relevance of Cognitive Science for Semiotics.
- kd. 118: Sebeok, Thomas A.; Umiker-Sebeok, Jean (eds.) 1995. Advances in Visual Semiotics: The Semiotic Web 1992–93 .
- kd. 119: Danesi, Marcel (ed.) 1995. Giambattista Vico and Anglo-American Science.
- kd. 120: Bibeau, Gilles; Corin, Ellen (eds.) 1995. Beyond Textuality: Asceticism and Violence in Interpretation.
- kd. 121: Tarasti, Eero (ed.) 1995. Musical Signification.
- kd. 122: Block de Behar, Lisa 1995. A Rhetoric of Silence and Other Selected Writings.
- kd. 123: Colapietro, Vincent M.; Olshewsky, Thomas M. (eds.) 1996. Peirce's Doctrine of Signs.
- kd. 124: Haarmann, Harald (ed.) 1996. Early Civilization and Literacy in Europe: An Inquiry into Cultural Continuity in the Mediterranean World.
- kd. 125: Gersh, Stephen 1996. Concord in Discourse.
- kd. 126: Rauch, Irmengard; Carr, Gerald F. (eds.) 1997. Semiotics around the World: Synthesis in Diversity. Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies, Berkeley 1994. (2 köidet.)
- kd. 127: Nöth, Winfried (ed.) 1997. Semiotics of the Media.