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Mall:Infokast ravim

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[muuda lähteteksti]

Infokast lühendatud kujul:

{{Infokast ravim
| nimi       = 
| pilt       = 
| IUPAC      = 
| CAS        = 
| ATCvet     = 
| ATC_prefix =
| ATC_suffix = 
| PubChem    = 
| DrugBank   = 
| valem      = {{Valem|| }} 
| mass       = 
| biosaadavus = 
| seondumine = (''protein_bound'')
| metabolism = 
| p-aeg      = 
| eritus     = 
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 või Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD või Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus    = 
| jagunemine = 

Mall pikemal kujul:

{{Infokast ravim
| nimi          = 
| pilt          =  
| laius         =  
| pildiallkiri  = 
| pilt2         = 
| laius2        = 
| pildiallkiri2 = 
| IUPAC       = 
| CAS         = 
| CAS_täiend  =
| ATCvet      = 
| ATC_prefix  = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix  = 
| ATC_täiend  = 
| PubChem     = 
| DrugBank    = 
| ChemSpID    = 
| valem       = {{Valem|| }} 
| mass        = 
| smiles      = 
| sünonüümid  = 
| tihedus     = 
| sulamine    =
| sulamine_k  =
| keemine     = 
| lahustuvus  = 
| rotatsioon  = 
| entalpia    = 
| biosaadavus = 
| seondumine  = 
| metabolism  = 
| p-aeg       = 
| eritus      = 
| litsents EU =  <!-- EMEA requires brand name -->
| litsents US =  <!-- FDA may use generic name -->
| DailyMedID =  <!-- preference to licence_US -->
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus    = 
| sõltuvusrisk = 
| manustamine = 

Kombineeritud tooted

[muuda lähteteksti]

Parameeter "tüüp" on defineeritud kui "kombo" (combo).


| tüüp       = kombo
| komponent1 = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass1     =
| komponent2 = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass2     =
| CAS_number = 
| ATCvet     = 
| ATC_prefix = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix = 
| PubChem    = 
| DrugBank   = 
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU   =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA   =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK   =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US   =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus      = 
| manustamine = 


| tüüp              = kombo
| drug_name         = 
| komponent1        = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass1            =
| komponent2        = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass2            =
| komponent3        = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass3            =
| komponent4        = <!-- automaatselt lingitud -->
| klass4            =
| CAS_number        = 
| CAS_täiend        =
| ATCvet            = 
| ATC_prefix        = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix        = 
| ATC_täiend        = 
| PubChem           = 
| DrugBank          = 
| ChemSpiderID      = 
| litsents EU       =  <!-- EMEA requires brand name -->
| litsents US       =  <!-- FDA may use generic name -->
| DailyMedID        =  <!-- preference to licence_US -->
| rasedus AU      =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US      =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus         =  
| õigus AU =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus        = 
| sõltuvusrisk = 
| manustamine  = 

Märkused: Üles peab olema märgitud vähemalt kaks komponenti. Võimalik on lisada ka kolmas ja neljas.

Monoclonal antibody drugs

[muuda lähteteksti]

This uses a different subset of parameters, defining the parameter type=mab. This allows the alternative parameter of the derived source and target of action to be specified. The MAB name has appended after it a "?" linked to Nomenclature of monoclonal antibodies, saving on the need explain how each MAB has been named.


| tüüp       = mab
| pilt       = 
| alt        = 
| allikas    = <!-- organism from which derived -->
| target     = <!-- antigen -->
| CAS_number = 
| ATC_prefix = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix = 
| PubChem    = 
| DrugBank   = 
| valem      = 
| mass       = 
| biosaadavus = 
| seondumine = 
| metabolism = 
| p-aeg      = 
| eritus     = 
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU   =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA   =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK   =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US   =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus      = 
| manustamine = 


| nimi          = 
| tüüp          = mab
| pilt          =  
| laius         =  
| pildiallkiri  = 
| alt           =  
| pilt2         = 
| laius2        = 
| pildiallkiri2 = 
| alt2          = 
| allikas       = <!-- organism, millest eraldati -->
| target        = <!-- antigen -->
| CAS_number    = 
| CAS_täiend    =
| ATCvet        = 
| ATC_prefix    = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix    = 
| ATC_täiend    = 
| PubChem       = 
| DrugBank      = 
| ChemSpiderID  = 
| valem         = 
| mass          = 
| smiles        = 
| sünonüümid    = 
| tihedus       = 
| sulamine      =
| sulamine_k    =
| keemine       = 
| lahustuvus    = 
| rotatsioon    = 
| entalpia      = 
| biosaadavus   = 
| seondumine    = 
| metabolism    = 
| p-aeg         = 
| eritus        = 
| litsents EU   =  <!-- EMEA requires brand name -->
| litsents US   =  <!-- FDA may use generic name -->
| DailyMedID    =  <!-- preference to licence_US -->
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU   =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA   =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK   =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US   =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus      = 
| sõltuvusrisk = 
| manustamine  = 


[muuda lähteteksti]

Parameeter "tüüp" tuleks defineerida kui "vaktsiin".

  • target is freetext. Usually will be wikified by the editor to point to a specific page
  • vaccine_type must be from the defined list of options as described at Vaccine#Type, the infobox will provide standardised display and links as follows:
vaccine_type value Output
killed or inactivated Killed/Inactivated
attenuated Attenuated virus
live Live bacteria
toxoid Toxoid
protein or protein subunit Protein subunit
subunit Subunit
conjugate Conjugate vaccine
recombinant Recombinant Vector
DNA DNA vaccination

Where a vaccination product protects against more than one agent, please use the combination form of this infobox with type=combo (per #Combination products), and each classX=[[Vaccine]].


| tüüp         = vaktsiin
| pilt         = 
| alt          = 
| target       = <!-- the antigen/bacteria/toxin/virus to protect against -->
| vaccine_type = <!-- killed/attenuated/live/toxoid/protein subunit/subunit/conjugate/recombinant/DNA -->
| CAS_number   = 
| ATCvet       = 
| ATC_prefix   = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix   = 
| PubChem      = 
| DrugBank     = 
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU   =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA   =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK   =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US   =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus      = 
| manustamine = 


| nimi              = 
| tüüp              = vaktsiin
| pilt              =  
| alt               =  
| laius             =  
| pildiallkiri      = 
| pilt2             = 
| alt2              = 
| laius2            = 
| pildiallkiri2     = 
| target            = <!-- the antigen/bacteria/toxin/virus to protect against -->
| vaccine_type      = <!-- killed/attenuated/live/toxoid/protein subunit/subunit/conjugate/recombinant/DNA -->
| CAS_number        = 
| CAS_täiend        =
| ATCvet            = 
| ATC_prefix        = <!-- 'none' if uncategorised -->
| ATC_suffix        = 
| ATC_täiend        = 
| PubChem           = 
| DrugBank          = 
| ChemSpiderID      = 
| litsents EU       =  <!-- EMEA requires brand name -->
| litsents US       =  <!-- FDA may use generic name -->
| DailyMedID        =  <!-- preference to licence_US -->
| rasedus AU =  <!-- A / B1 / B2 / B3 / C / D / X -->
| rasedus US =  <!-- A / B            / C / D / X -->
| rasedus    =  
| õigus AU   =  <!-- S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9 or Unscheduled-->
| õigus CA   =  <!-- Schedule I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII -->
| õigus UK   =  <!-- GSL, P, POM, CD, or Class A, B, C -->
| õigus US   =  <!-- OTC / Rx-only / Schedule I, II, III, IV, V -->
| õigus      = 
| sõltuvusrisk = 
| manustamine  = 

ATC, ATCvet ja CAS

[muuda lähteteksti]

Where the drug is not included in ATC coding system (as opposed to its value just not been entered into the template) then set ATC_prefix to 'none', and the article is automatically added to Category:Drugs not assigned an ATC code rather than Category:Drugboxes with an unspecified ATC code:

  | ATC_prefix        = none

Additional ATC or CAS codes may be included with the optional ATC_supplemental & CAS_supplement parameter as a comma-separated lists. CAS or ATC templates may be used to have these additional codes link to the relevant databases:

  | CAS_supplemental ={{CAS|427-51-0}} (acetate)
  | ATC_supplemental ={{ATC|M02|AA15}}, {{ATC|S01|BC03}}  

Adds the following linked codes:

For CAS -  {{CAS|427-51-0}} (acetate)
For ATC - {{ATC|M02|AA15}}, {{ATC|S01|BC03}}

Veterinary drugs are placed in a slightly different classification system, ATCvet. The code may be specified as ATCvet by setting the parameter ATCvet to 'yes'. Do not include the leading 'Q' in ATC_prefix:

  | ATCvet      = jah 
  | ATC_prefix  = N05
  | ATC_suffix  = AX90


[muuda lähteteksti]

Üks valikuline parameeter on "sõltuvusrisk". Sinna järgi võib märkida madal, keskmine, kõrge või väga kõrge:

 | sõltuvusrisk = kõrge 

Füüsikalised omadused

[muuda lähteteksti]
 | sulamine   =
 | keemine    =
 | rotatsioon =
 | entalpia   =


[muuda lähteteksti]

There are two major licensing authorities that make drug information easily accessible: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMEA). NB The word "Licence" is the noun in British English, "License" is the verb.

The FDA "Label Information" and the EMEA "Product Information", where available, are very detailed. There is material aimed at the professional and also plain-English consumer information. These are excellent reliable source for article information but also contains much that makes it a worthwhile "External link" since there is no way one can include all the info. Both sites work using of the brand name of the drug but the FDA site also allows searches with the generic name (active ingredient), which lists generic variants where they are licensed.

  | litsents EU =    <!-- EMEA requires brand name --> 
  | litsents US =    <!-- FDA may use generic name -->  

Lists of products and the parameter term to use may be easily searched for:

  • European Public Assessment Reports SiteMap. Authorised Products: EMEA A-F, EMEA G-L, EMEA M-R, EMEA S-Z
    When items are composed of more than one word, licence_EU uses adjoined words (i.e. no spaces); e.g. infanrixpenta for Infanrix Penta.
  • Drugs@FDA Search by Drug Name or Active Ingredient
    Where items are composed of more than one word, licence_US requires an underscore '_' in place of any spaces; e.g. Acyclovir_Sodium.

More patient friendly than the FDA's pages is Daily Med which reproduces the same details. The DailyMedID parameter, where specified, is shown in preference to the licence_US direct FDA link. Daily Med entries may be located at Search By Drug Name, eg for Furosemide

  | DailyMedID = 3940


[muuda lähteteksti]

Legal status has been previously declared using just the legal_status parameter with a variety of markup styles used to indicate various countries and their classifications. Alternatively legal_AU, legal_CA, legal_UK and legal_US may be set to the fixed options in the table below. The template will ensure the catagorisation is shown correctly capitalised, use Unicode Rx symbol and add a linked 2-letter country code as per WP:MOS. legal_status may still be used with the country-specific parameters as it is appended afterwards, allowing backwards compatibility for articles that only define this parameter, or for the future with free-text of other information.

Hence | õigus AU   = S2
      | õigus UK   = gsl
      | õigus US   = Rx-only
      | õigus      = Aasias müük keelatud
Gives S2(AU) POM(UK) -only(US)  Not marketed in Asia

Note: if a drug is restricted everywhere to prescription-only, please set legal_status = Rx-only rather than similarly define for each and every country ('Rx-only' is specifically recognised by legal_status and shows as Prescription only)

legal_status Anywhere
Rx-only ℞ Prescription only
legal_AU Australia
(ee SUSDP)
Unscheduled Unscheduled/exempt
S2 Schedule 2 Pharmacy Medicine
S3 Schedule 3 Pharmacist Only Medicine
S4 Schedule 4 Prescription Only Medicine
S5 Schedule 5 Caution
S6 Schedule 6 Poison
S7 Schedule 7 Dangerous Poison
S8 Schedule 8 Controlled Drug
S9 Schedule 9 Prohibited Substance
legal_CA Canada
? Over the counter
? Prescription only. Where known may specify:
Schedule I   see Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
Schedule II 
Schedule III
Schedule IV 
Schedule V  
Schedule VI 
Schedule VII
Schedule VIII
legal_UK United Kingdom
GSL General Sale List
P Pharmacy Medicine
POM Prescription Only Medicine
CD Controlled Drug. Where known may specify:
Class A see Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
Class B
Class C
legal_US United States
OTC Over the counter
Prescription only. Where known may specify:
Schedule I   see Controlled Substances Act
Schedule II 
Schedule III
Schedule IV 
Schedule V  

Pregnancy category

[muuda lähteteksti]

Pregnancy Categorisation has been previously declared using just the pregnancy_category parameter with a variety of markup styles used to indicate various countries and their classifications. Alternatively pregnancy_AU and pregnancy_US may be set to the fixed categories. For Australia values permitted are: A, B1, B2, B3, C, D or X (note if just set to 'B' then B? is shown). For US values permitted are: A, B, C, D or X.

Note the UK does not have official designated categorisations, but has both a variety of standard phrases with explanatory qualifications, plus many individual descriptions. pregnancy_category may still be used with the country-specific parameters as it is appended afterwards, allowing backwards compatibility for articles that only define this parameter, or for the future with free-text of other information.

 Hence | rasedus AU = B1
       | rasedus US = C
       | rasedus    = Used in pregnancy
           for [[Pregnancy-induced hypertension|PIH]]
Gives B1(AU) C(US) Used in pregnancy for PIH

Keemiline info

[muuda lähteteksti]
 | smiles     = 
 | sünonüümid = 

Füüsikaline info

[muuda lähteteksti]

See osa on täies mahus valikuline.

 | tihedus    = 
 | sulamine   = 
 | keemine    = 
 | lahustuvus = 
 | rotatsioon = 
 | entalpia   = 

See mall lisab järgnevad väärtused:

  • tihedus - lisab 'g/cm3'
  • sulamine või keemine - lisab '°C'.
  • lahustuvus - lisab 'mg/mL (20°C)'

Kui sulamispunkt võtab enda alla mingi vahemiku siis saab sulamine_k abil märkida kõrgeimat väärtust:

| sulamine = 100
| sulamine_k  = 104