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Fail:Russia, with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking; handbook for travellers (1914) (14578696217).jpg

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Identifier: russiawithtehera00karl (find matches)
Title: Russia, with Teheran, Port Arthur, and Peking; handbook for travellers
Year: 1914 (1910s)
Authors: Karl Baedeker (Firm)
Subjects: Reval (Tallinn)
Publisher: Leipzig, K. Baedeker
Contributing Library: PIMS - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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Text Appearing Before Image:
Radau. — Lloyds Agent, C.R. Cuttley, Hafen-Str. Principal Attractions (1 day). Forenoon: Grosser Markt (p. 75),Church of St. Nicholas (p. 77), Domberg (p. 76), Lang-Strasse (p. 77), Strand-pforte (p. 78).—Afternoon: Strand Promenade (p. 79), and then (best bycab) Katharinental, Kosch, and ruins of the Convent of St. Bridget (p. 79). RevMl (45 ft.) or Pesejib, Esth. Tallimta or Tannilinii.a. Townof the Danes), the capital of the government of Esthonia, containslo 1,000 inhab. and is picturesquely situated on a bay of the Grulf ofFinland. The town, which is more mediseval in appearance thanany other in the Baltic Provinces, is divided into three parts, theIpper Town or Dom, the Lower Town, and the Suburbs. The Dom,lies on the Domberg, at a height of 140 ft. above the sea; the LowerTown, or town proper, the seat of the merchants and municipalanihorities, extends from the Domberg to the sea, and is surrounded j>^: ^-imfi ^ III ti I I i . W..- iih ■ -rWrn^ 1 ^l^ ^^iui n ^5 .^^ ^li
Text Appearing After Image:
f A o:^i^)t^l -^ Grosser Markt. REYAL. i3. Route. 75 by promenades, the old bastions, and the tower-strengthened wall,dating from the 14th cent, and still well preserved in parts. Theextensive Suburbs, beyond the town proper and extending alongthe shores of the bay, are the headquarters of a flourishing industrialactivity. The chief articles of commerce are cotton (imported tothe amount of 97,000,000 lbs. in 1910), coal, grain, flax, bristles,and hides. A special branch of industry is the capture and picklingof a small silvery tish resembling the sardine (Killostrdmlingen,KiiJiBKa; clupea latulus), large quantities of which are exported in alldirections. — The construction of a naval harbour was begun in 1912.The Esthouian fortress of Lindanissa (p. 76) was captured and de-stroyed in 1219 by Waldemar II., King of Denmark, and a new one wasbuilt in its place. During the contest, says the legend, a red bannerwith a W/hite cross on it fell from heaven, and this was forthwith adoptedas

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


Autor Karl Baedeker (Firm)
(Faili edasikasutus)
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  • bookid:russiawithtehera00karl
  • bookyear:1914
  • bookdecade:1910
  • bookcentury:1900
  • bookauthor:Karl_Baedeker__Firm_
  • bookpublisher:Leipzig__K__Baedeker
  • bookcontributor:PIMS___University_of_Toronto
  • booksponsor:University_of_Toronto
  • bookleafnumber:165
  • bookcollection:pimslibrary
  • bookcollection:toronto
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28. juuli 2014


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8. oktoober 2015


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