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Fail:Navio-Aeródromo Multipropósito Atlântico (NAM "Atlântico") (44210493302).jpg

Lehekülje sisu ei toetata teistes keeltes.
Klõps ikoonil viib faili leheküljele Wikimedia Commonsis.
Allikas: Vikipeedia

Algfail (5482 × 3655 pikslit, faili suurus: 3,6 MB, MIME tüüp: image/jpeg)



Crédito: Alexandre Durão/Revista Força Aérea

Arquivos cedidos pelo Centro de Comunicação Social da Marinha do Brasil - CCSM
Allikas Navio-Aeródromo Multipropósito Atlântico (NAM "Atlântico")
Autor Marinha do Brasil


Public domain
This work has been released into the public domain by the author on Flickr, where the author has declared it as a "Public Domain Work" and tagged it with the Creative Commons Public Domain Mark.
Public domain
The Public Domain Mark (PDM) is not a copyright license, but a symbol used to indicate that a work is in the public domain. When it is applied by the author or the copyright holder, community consensus has decided such works as being public domain in the US and countries where it is legally possible to release own work to the public domain. In the countries where this is not possible, the copyright status of the work remains undetermined.
If a file is tagged with Public Domain Mark by someone other than the author or the copyright holder, a more specific copyright tag such as one found at Commons:Copyright tags/General public domain must be applied. If this is your own work, please use {{Cc-zero}} instead.

Marinha do Brasil (Oficial) postitas selle pildi algselt saidile Flickr. Robot FlickreviewR 2 vaatas selle pildi üle ja kinnitas, et see oli saadaval litsentsi Public Domain Mark all. Vaadatud: 18. detsember 2020

18. detsember 2020

Media contributed by the Navy of Brazil


Lisa üherealine seletus sellest, mida fail esitab

Selles failis kujutatud üksused


captured with inglise

Nikon D500 inglise

0,0008 sekund

f-number inglise


17 millimeeter

ISO speed inglise


media type inglise


checksum inglise


data size inglise

3 771 627 bait

3655 piksel

5482 piksel

Faili ajalugu

Klõpsa kuupäeva ja kellaaega, et näha sel ajahetkel kasutusel olnud failiversiooni.

viimane18. detsember 2020, kell 22:30Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 18. detsember 2020, kell 22:305482 × 3655 (3,6 MB)Rodrigo PadulaTransferred from Flickr via #flickr2commons

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