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Fail:Great Arms of the Kingdom of Albania (1939–1943).png

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Allikas: Vikipeedia

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English: Drawing of the Great Arms of the Kingdom of Albania (1939–1943) is based on the original illustration produced by the Istituto Poligrafico dello Stato.
Shqip: Stema e madhe e Shtetit, sipas Dekretit Mbretnuer datë 28-IX-1939-XVII, Nr. 141 për Stemat dhe vulat e Shtetit, botuar në Fletoren Zyrtare Nr. 116 25 Nanduer 1939-XVIII faqja 2.
Allikas Archivio Tagliarini; Istituto Luce
Autor Illustration by Kj1595


Public domain The work published here is subject to use in the public domain in accordance to Article 12 of Copyright Law No.35/2016 § enacted in the Constitution of Albania which states that the following shall not be subject to copyright:
  • (a) ideas, theories, concepts, discoveries and inventions in a creative work, regardless of the way they were received, explained or expressed;
  • (b) inventions, legal, administrative and judicial acts, as well as other official creations and their collections, presented in order to inform the public;
  • (c) official symbols of the state, of organizations and of public authorities, such as: arms, seals, flag, emblems, medallions, insignia, medals;
  • (d) means of payment;
  • (e) news and press information which have a simple nature of information;
  • (f) simple data and facts;

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viimane31. oktoober 2024, kell 01:10Pisipilt versioonist seisuga 31. oktoober 2024, kell 01:101691 × 2048 (3,05 MB)Kj1595Uploaded own work with UploadWizard

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