Enyi mmírí , also known as the West African Manatee (scientifically called Trichechus Senegalensis). This remarkable creature is often called Emenyi or Upeteyi and can be found dwelling deep within the creeks of the Niger Delta.
Among the Oru/Olu (Riverine Igbo) communities, stretching from Ndokwa, Ogbaru to Oguta, Ndoni, Ase, and beyond, the Enyi Mmiri holds a special place as a totem animal. It is regarded as sacred, and ancient customs strictly prohibit its killing. Interestingly, this unique creature is considered a totem of the revered Niger goddess Oshimili.
It is believed that the intriguing legends of "mammy water" may have emerged from the Manatee's acts of rescuing drowning locals. These incredible stories add to the mystique surrounding the Enyi Mmiri and its role in the cultural beliefs of the region.
The Manatee can be found in only two regions across the globe. One being the coast of West Africa, where our beloved Enyi Mmiri resides, and the other being the coasts of Florida in the United States. These two coastal regions are fortunate to host this extraordinary species and witness its majestic presence.
Igbo: Enyi Mmiri,Enyi mmírí , nke a makwaara dị ka West African Manatee (nke a na-akpọ Trichechus Senegalensis sayensị). A na-akpọkarị ihe e kere eke dị ịrịba ama Emenyi ma ọ bụ Upeteyi, a pụkwara ịhụ ya ka ọ bi n'ime mmiri ndị dị na Niger Delta.
N'ime obodo Oru/Olu (Riverine Igbo), gbatịpụrụ site na Ndokwa, Ogbaru ruo Oguta, Ndoni, Ase, na ndị ọzọ, Enyi Mmiri nwere ebe pụrụ iche dị ka anụmanụ totem. A na-ewere ya dị ka ihe dị nsọ, omenala oge ochie gbochirikwa igbu ya. N'ụzọ na-akpali mmasị, a na-ewere ihe okike a pụrụ iche dị ka totem nke chi nwanyị Niger a na-asọpụrụ Oshimili.
Ekwenyere na akụkọ ifo na-akpali akpali nke "mmiri mammy" nwere ike ịpụta site na omume Manatee nke na-anapụta ndị obodo mmiri na-eri. Akụkọ ndị a na-enweghị atụ na-agbakwụnye ihe omimi gbara gburugburu Enyi Mmiri na ọrụ ọ na-ekere na nkwenkwe omenala nke mpaghara ahụ.
Enwere ike ịchọta Manatee na mpaghara abụọ n'ofe ụwa. Otu bụ oke osimiri nke West Africa, ebe Enyi Mmiri anyị hụrụ n’anya bi, nke ọzọ bụ oke osimiri Florida na United States. Mpaghara abụọ a dị n'ụsọ oké osimiri nwere ihe ndabara na-anabata ụdị a pụrụ iche ma hụ ọnụnọ ya dị ebube.
omistamine – Pead materjali sobival viisil autorile omistama, tooma ära litsentsi lingi ja märkima ära, kas on tehtud muudatusi. Sobib, kui teed seda mõistlikul viisil, kuid seejuures ei tohi jääda muljet, et litsentsiandja tõstab esile sind või seda, et sina materjali kasutad.
sarnaselt jagamine – Kui töötled, kujundad ümber või arendad materjali edasi, siis pead oma töö levitamiseks kasutama sama litsentsi, mille all on algupärand, või ühilduvat litsentsi.