English: Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR).
ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) is now the world rage use of this software and camera. Now, parking and highway traffic management have become easier with the ANPR camera and the software. It also knows as license plate recognition(LPR).
Now I discuss in detail the ANPR Camera and software.
Advantages of ANPR camera and software.
1. Car Parking Management.
We can manage our parking system with the ANPR camera when a car came to the front of the camera automatically scan the Number plate or license plate of this car and then store it in the database.
2. Journey Time Analysis.
The camera keeps the data of the coming and going of the cars and give you the data when it came and when it goes.
3. Traffic Management
An ANPR system can manage traffic also because if any vehicle breaks the rule of traffic then the camera automatically detects the car and keep the data in the case files.
It can count the number of cars or vehicles that pass through the ANPR camera.
omistamine – Pead materjali sobival viisil autorile omistama, tooma ära litsentsi lingi ja märkima ära, kas on tehtud muudatusi. Sobib, kui teed seda mõistlikul viisil, kuid seejuures ei tohi jääda muljet, et litsentsiandja tõstab esile sind või seda, et sina materjali kasutad.
sarnaselt jagamine – Kui töötled, kujundad ümber või arendad materjali edasi, siis pead oma töö levitamiseks kasutama sama litsentsi, mille all on algupärand, või ühilduvat litsentsi.