omistamine – Pead materjali sobival viisil autorile omistama, tooma ära litsentsi lingi ja märkima ära, kas on tehtud muudatusi. Sobib, kui teed seda mõistlikul viisil, kuid seejuures ei tohi jääda muljet, et litsentsiandja tõstab esile sind või seda, et sina materjali kasutad.
sarnaselt jagamine – Kui töötled, kujundad ümber või arendad materjali edasi, siis pead oma töö levitamiseks kasutama sama litsentsi, mille all on algupärand, või ühilduvat litsentsi.
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:1932 Poland Olympic Hockey Team II.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:1932 Poland Olympic Hockey Team II.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.
copy this file metadata and upload it using this upload form with “{{Extracted from|File:1932 Poland Olympic Hockey Team II.jpg}}” appended to the source field.
add {{Image extracted|xxx.ext}} to the other versions field of this file.
add the new file as an image to the Wikidata item.