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Inglise punkansamblite loend

Allikas: Vikipeedia

Siin on loetletud Inglismaa punkansambleid.

# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S Š Z Ž T U V W Õ Ä Ö Ü X Y

  • 999
  • A.D1984
  • Acme Sewage Co
  • Adam & The Ants
  • Adverts
  • Alberto y Los Trios Paranoias
  • Alternative TV
  • Amber Squad
  • Angelic Upstarts
  • Antisocial
  • Art Attacks
  • Atrix
  • Automatics
  • Axidents
  • The Bears
  • Bee Cee Cee
  • Blanks
  • Bleach Boys
  • Blitzkrieg Bop
  • Blunt Instrument
  • Boomtown Rats
  • The Boys
  • Bullets
  • Buzzcocks
  • Cane
  • Celia & The Mutations
  • Cheetahs
  • Chelsea
  • The Cigarettes
  • The Clash
  • Cockney Rejects
  • Cock Sparrer
  • The Cortinas
  • The Crabs
  • Crass
  • Crisis
  • Cuban Heels
  • Cyanide
  • The Cybermen
  • The Damned
  • Dangerous Girls
  • Dave Goodman
  • The Deleted
  • The Delinquents
  • Demon Preacher
  • The Depressions
  • Desperate Bicycles
  • Doctors Of Madness
  • Dole Q
  • The Drive
  • Drug Squad
  • The Dyaks
  • The Drones
  • Eater
  • Elton Motello
  • The Exile
  • Ex Pistols
  • The Exploited
  • The Fakes
  • Fenzyx
  • The Flowers Of Romance
  • The Flys
  • The Freeze
  • The Front
  • Fruit Eating Bears
  • FX
  • Generation X
  • Grinder
  • Headache
  • Henry Essence
  • Horrorcomic
  • Innocents
  • Intravein
  • The Jam
  • The Jerks
  • The Jermz
  • Joe Cool & The Killers
  • Johnny Curious
  • Johnny Moped
  • Johnny & The Self Abusers
  • The Jolt
  • The K9's
  • The Killjoys
  • King
  • Last Words
  • Le Ritz
  • Leyton Buzzards
  • Lightning Raiders
  • Lockjaw
  • London
  • The Lurkers
  • Machines
  • Magazine
  • The Maniacs
  • Masters Of The Backsides
  • Matt Vinyl
  • The Mekons
  • The Members
  • Menace
  • Metal Urbain
  • Misspent Youth
  • Model Mania
  • The Models
  • Motorhead
  • The Mutants
  • Neon
  • Neon Hearts
  • New Hearts
  • Nipple Erectors
  • The Nosebleeds
  • The Now
  • The Ordinarys
  • The Outcasts
  • The Outsiders
  • The Panik
  • Patrik Fitzgerald
  • Penetration
  • Plastic Bertrand
  • The Physicals
  • The Pigs
  • Plastix
  • The Pork Dukes
  • The Prats
  • Predator
  • Prefects
  • The Professionals
  • Pseudo Existors
  • Psykik Volts
  • Public Zone
  • Pure Hell
  • PVC2
  • Radiators From Space
  • Radio Stars
  • Raped
  • Red Letters
  • The Reducers
  • Revenge
  • Rich Kids
  • Rikki & The Last Days
  • The Rings
  • The Rezillos
  • The Ripchords
  • Roses Are Red
  • Rowdies
  • Rudi
  • The Ruts
  • The Saints
  • Satans Rats
  • The Scars
  • Schoolgirl Bitch
  • Sex Pistols
  • Sham 69
  • The Shapes
  • Sick Things
  • Siouxsie & The Banshees
  • The Skids
  • The Skunks
  • Slaughter & The Dogs
  • The Slits
  • Snatch
  • Snivelling Shits
  • The Sods
  • Spitfire Boys
  • The Squad
  • Stage B
  • The Stiffs
  • Stiff Little Fingers
  • Stinky Toys
  • The Stoat
  • Stormtrooper
  • The Stranglers
  • The Straps
  • Studio Sweethearts
  • Suburban Studs
  • Subway Sect
  • Swell Maps

  • Tax Exiles
  • Personalities
  • Terry & The Idiots
  • The Table
  • The Tickets
  • The Tights
  • Transvision Vamp
  • Trash
  • UK Subs
  • Ultravox
  • The Unwanted
  • The Users
  • The Valves
  • Vermilion
  • Vibrators
  • V2
  • Vice Creems
  • Vicious White Kids
  • Victim
  • Victimise
  • The Violators
  • Warsaw Pakt
  • The Wasps
  • Wire
  • X Ray Spex
  • XS-Energy
  • Xtraverts